02 TUE | Audio Analysis

02 TUE | Audio Analysis

Schedule #

  • 09:15–10:15 | Working with DATs
  • 10:15–10:30 | Break
  • 10:30–12:00 | Audio Analysis in TouchDesigner
  • 12:00–13:15 | Lunch
  • 13:15–14:30 | Building a VJ Tool #2: Making it audio reactive
  • 14:30–14:45 | Break
  • 14:45–16:00 | Screening at Marsio Cinema: Visualist - Those Who See Beyond
  • 16:00–17:00 | Experimenting, Q&A

Visual Music #

Today we are going to jump ahead in time from Magic Lanterns to the 1920s and 1930s. This is a time period when many artists were experimenting with the newly invented media of film and animation.

Avant-Garde Animation & Visual Music #

Visual music, sometimes called colour music, refers to the creation of a visual analogue to musical form by adapting musical structures for visual composition, which can also include silent films or silent Lumia work. It also refers to methods or devices which can translate sounds or music into a related visual presentation. An expanded definition may include the translation of music to painting; this was the original definition of the term, as coined by Roger Fry in 1912 to describe the work of Wassily Kandinsky. There are a variety of definitions of visual music, particularly as the field continues to expand. In some recent writing, usually in the fine art world, visual music is often confused with or defined as synaesthesia, though historically this has never been a definition of visual music. Visual music has also been defined as a form of intermedia. – Wikipedia: Visual Music

Hans Richter - Rhytmus 21 (1921) #

Bloomsbury Video Library

Evgeny Sholpo - The Variophone (1930) #

Nikolai Voinov – Paper Sound (1932) #

Nikolai Voinov - Prelude by Rachmaninov (1932) #

Oskar Fischinger – Ornament Sound Experiments #

Rent from Vimeo

László Moholy-Nagy: ABC in Sound / Tönendes ABC (1933) #

Oskar Fischinger - An Optical Poem (1938) #

Learn More #

Audio Analysis in TouchDesigner #

Tutorial videos #

I have made a series of videos on what we covered today. You can find them here.

IglooVision 360° Screen (Vizualization Hub) #

Basic specs of the space:

  • Content resolution 10000 x 1000 pixels
  • 9.1 surround sound
  • The computer in the space has TouchDesigner Educational (and many other software) installed
  • I have made several TouchDesigner helper files that can found from the TouchDesigner Palette menu on the computer. Those files will also be shared and documented on this site as well as soon as I have the time.

Screening #

Download files #