Course Assesment

Course Assesment

Grading #

This course is evaluated with a grade between 0-5.

  • 5 Excellent
  • 4 Very good
  • 3 Good
  • 2 Satisfactory
  • 1 Passable
  • 0 Fail

Grading criteria #

  • Attendance 25%
  • Project presentation 10%
  • Project work 50%
  • Project documentation 15%

Attendance (25%) #

  • You need to be present minimum 80% of the classes
  • Each missed class (without a valid reason such as illness etc.) will affect your attendance grade negatively
  • Each time you arrive late in class will affect your attendance grade negatively
  • Active participation and attitude in class will affect your attendance grade positively
  • Helping others will affect your attendance grade positively

Project work (50%) #

  • Aesthetic quality of the work
  • Novelty and creativity of the concept
  • Command of the technology
  • Attention to detail
  • Context and concept of the work

Project documentation (25%) #

  • Audiovisual quality and attention to detail in the documentation video
  • Detail level of the documentation
  • Use of sketches, images, videos
  • Ability to reflect on your learning process

Absence Policy #

The course has a minimum 80% attendace requirement acording to Aalto University’s regulations.

We have 75h of contact teaching in this course. The 20% of this amounts to 15h. This means that you can be absent for:

  • 2 days out of the 11 Wednesdays and Friday sessions
  • If you miss the presentation or introduction day, please let Calvin know in advance

I would not recommend you to use this too often since you will very easily fall behind with what we are doing if you miss more than this.

Please let Calvin know if you need to be absent more than the allowed 20% for health reasons and if we need to make special arrangements due to that.

Can I somehow compensate for the missed classes if I have to be away for more than the allowed amount? #

Yes, you can complete extra work related to the topic that you missed. The amount of exercises you need to complete depends on what you have missed (more complex topics might only mean one exercise, simpler topics might mean more than one).