13 | Project Work

13 | Project Work

  • Thursday, November 28, 2024
  • 9:15–12:00
  • Room 3448 (Marsio)
  • Room 3430, Experimental Studio 1 (Marsio) | For exhibition testing and setup

  • Friday, November 29, 2024
  • 9:15–12:00
  • Room 3448 (Marsio)
  • Room 3430, Experimental Studio 1 (Marsio) | For exhibition testing and setup

The rest of the class time is reserved for working on your projects. You can work anywhere, but Matti will be available for tutoring generally only during the class hours. Your attendance is marked as present automatically for these last lectures (except for the last class when you should present your work.)

Final Project Guidelines #

See the Final Project page for detailed instructions.

Exhibition or Demo Day #

If you want to show your work in the exhibition, please submit requirements for your work in MyCourses.

Or if you want to present it only during Demo Day, fill in the registration form.

Project Presentations (Friday, December 1) #

Present your project in class on December 1. If your work will be in the exhibition, this can be still somewhat a work-in-progress presentation.