Visual Programming Workshop

Visual Programming Workshop

Course content #

Targeted for artists, designers, and creative technologists, this one-week workshop course introduces you to the fundamentals of node-based programming to build dynamic visuals and interactive experiences without traditional coding. Through lectures, screenings, hands-on projects and guided instruction, you’ll learn to generate real-time graphics, manipulate data inputs, and craft interactive audio-visual experiences.

The main tool used in the workshop is TouchDesigner. Previous experience with the software is not required, but please see other prerequisites.

Learning outcomes #

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply node-based programming workflows to create interactive visual projects.
  • Design and implement audio-reactive visuals and apply real-time video processing techniques using TouchDesigner.
  • Analyze and discuss historical and contemporary examples of audiovisual art to inform their own creative practices.

Tools, tutorials and resources #

Archive materials #

Schedule: Autumn 2024 #

All classes are in room 3420 at Marsio.

We also use the following spaces at Marsio:

  • Experimental Studio 1
  • Visualization Studio
  • Cinema

Monday | 14/10/2023 #

Detailed materials for Monday

  • 09:15–10:15 | Introduction to the Workshop & Introduction to TouchDesigner: interface, keyboard shortcuts, operators etc.
  • 10:15–10:30 | Break
  • 10:30–12:00 | Working With TOPs: images, videos, compositing, effects, camera input
  • 12:00–13:15 | Lunch
  • 13:15–14:30 | Working with CHOPs: constant, noise, math etc.
  • 14:30–14:45 | Break
  • 14:45–15:45 | Building a VJ Tool #1: loading multiple files, transformations, blend modes
  • 15:45–16:00 | Break
  • 16:00–17:00 | Visiting other studios, experimenting, Q&A

Tuesday | 15/10/2024 #

Detailed materials for Tuesday

  • 09:15–10:15 | Working with DATs
  • 10:15–10:30 | Break
  • 10:30–12:00 | Audio Analysis in TouchDesigner
  • 12:00–13:15 | Lunch
  • 13:15–14:30 | Building a VJ Tool #2: Making it audio reactive
  • 14:30–14:45 | Break
  • 14:45–15:45 | Building a VJ Tool #2: Making it audio reactive
  • 15:45–16:00 | Break
  • 16:00–17:00 | Experimenting, Q&A

Wednesday | 16/10/2024 #

Detailed materials for Wednesday

  • 09:15–10:15 | Working with COMPs
  • 10:15–10:30 | Break
  • 10:30–12:00 | Working with SOPs
  • 12:00–13:15 | Lunch
  • 13:15–14:30 | Building a VJ Tool #3: User Interface
  • 14:30–14:45 | Break
  • 14:45–15:45 | Building a VJ Tool #2: User Interface
  • 15:45–16:00 | Break
  • 16:00–17:00 | Experimenting, Q&A

Thursday | 17/10/2024 #

  • 09.15–12:00 Project Work
  • 12:00–13:00 Lunch
  • 13:00–15:00 Project work
  • 16:00–17:00 Q&A, progress report

Friday | 18/10/2024 #

  • 09.15–12:00 Project work
  • 12:00–13:00 Lunch
  • 13:00–14:00 Preparing the Screening (rendering, moving project files)
  • 14:00–17:00 Screenings of Workshop Results (Experimental Studio 1, Visualization Studio, Cinema)

Workload #

3 ECTS ≈ 80h

  • 35h contact teaching (including some independent experimentation)
  • 40h time for reflection and processing the lectures (not active work, happens mostly passively outside the class hours and even after the workshop)
  • 5h documenting your work and preparing the video recording of your project work, writing the documentation

Evaluation #

To successfully pass the course, the student needs to:

  • Actively attend in the workshop
  • Produce a short experimental AV work that is presented on the final day of the course
  • Provide a video recording and a short written personal reflection of the workshop.

See MyCourses for the detailed evaluation rubric and details.

Grading #

This course is evaluated with a grade between 0-5.

  • 5 Excellent
  • 4 Very good
  • 3 Good
  • 2 Satisfactory
  • 1 Passable
  • 0 Fail