References and Resources

References and Resources

Reading List #

This is a list of articles and books related to our topic in alphaberical order. You are not expected to read all of these for this class but come back to this list when you need some more academic foundation.

Baber, Christopher. Embodying Design: An Applied Science of Radical Embodied Cognition

Dijk, van, J. (2013). Creating traces, sharing insight : explorations in embodied cognition design. Phd Thesis 1 (Research TU/e / Graduation TU/e), Industrial Design. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

Dourish, Paul. 2001. “Seeking a Foundation for Context-Aware Computing.” Human-Computer Interaction 16 (2–4): 229–41.

Dourish, Paul. 2001. Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction. London, England: MIT Press.

Greenberg, Saul, Nicolai Marquardt, Till Ballendat, Rob Diaz-Marino, and Miaosen Wang. 2011. “Proxemic Interactions: The New Ubicomp?” Interactions 18 (1): 42–50.

Ishii, Hiroshi. 2008. “Tangible Bits: Beyond Pixels.” In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction. New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Ishii, Hiroshi. 2015. “TRANSFORM: Beyond Tangible Bits, towards Radical Atoms.” In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Klemmer, Scott R., Björn Hartmann, and Leila Takayama. 2006. “How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design.” In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Marquardt, Nicolai, and Saul Greenberg. 2015. Proxemic Interactions: From Theory to Practice. San Rafael, CA: Morgan and Claypool Life Sciences.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. 2013. Phenomenology of Perception. London, England: Routledge. (English edition first published 1962 by Routledge & Kegan Paul).

Shaer, Orit. 2009. “Tangible User Interfaces: Past, Present, and Future Directions.” Foundations and Trends in Human–Computer Interaction 3 (1–2): 1–137.

Shapiro, Lawrence and Shannon Spaulding, “Embodied Cognition”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =

Suchman, Lucy A. 1987. Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives: Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine Communication. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Torrance, Steve. 2005. “In Search of the Enactive: Introduction to Special Issue on Enactive Experience.” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (4): 357–68.

Varela, Francisco J., Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch. 2017. The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience. London, England: MIT Press. (First published in 1991)

Weiser, Mark. “The Computer for the 21 St Century.” Scientific American 265, no. 3 (1991): 94–105.

Video Lectures #

Lucy Suchman #