An Incomplete Timeline of Audiovisual Art

An Incomplete Timeline of Audiovisual Art

An Incomplete Timeline of Audiovisual Art #

This page is an attempt to collect a list of notable artworks, artists, documentaries, papers and other resources related to the course Audiovisual Studio at Aalto Media Lab. The focus is on works that specifically explore the connection between sound/music and visuals, real-time media, or works that have had a significant impact on the field in some other way.

This list is by no means exhaustive and is constantly updating. It is an ongoing research and note-taking process that will probably never come to a conclusion.

It is also important to note that most of this list is compiled from the perspective of working as an audiovisual artist in Finland by a person educated in Finland and Canada. I very warmly welcome perspectives and suggestions from a non-western point of view.

1200s #

  • ~1290 or earlier, 走马灯/走馬燈 (“running-horse-lantern”, similar to laterna magica) was documented in the writing of《武林舊事》:"..It looks like shadow puppets, where there are running horses and people spinning like about to fly…「……若沙戲影燈,馬騎人物,旋轉如飛。……」"

1600s #

  • 1659, Christiaan Huygens, credited as the inventor of the Magic Lantern (Lanterna Magica)

1700s #

1800s #

1900-1919 #

1920–1929 #

1930–1939 #

Highlights #

Examples #

1940–1949 #

1950–1959 #

1960–1969 #

Highlights #

Examples #

1970–1979 #

Highlights #

Examples #

1980–1989 #

Highlights #

Examples #

1990–1999 #

  • 1992, Pipilotti Rist, Pickelporno

2000–2009 #

Highlights #

Examples #

2010–2019 #

2020–> #

List of things to be added #

Here is a list of suggestions from the students of Audiovisual Studio. These are suggestions that I was not able to yet place to specific decade or year: