Embodied Interaction

Embodied Interaction

Welcome to Embodied Interaction. This is a course that has been running at Aalto since 2011 (previously named Bodily Interaction). Matti Niinimäki has been teaching this course since 2012. It was originally created by Ferhat Sen

Content #

The course presents embodied interaction through lectures, technical demonstrations, and discussions on various related topics. The focus is on creating experimental interactive systems for interactive installations and performances.

The students will explore the topic through readings, small assignments, and a final project presented at the end of the course.

Learning Outcomes #

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Develop embodied interactive systems using various techniques and tools, such as gesture recognition, computer-vision tools and biometric sensors.
  2. Identify and explain the roles of the body, space, and social interaction in designing interactive experiences.
  3. Discuss and apply theoretical frameworks for embodied interaction in their practice.
  4. Outline and explain historical and contemporary examples of embodied interaction in the context of interactive art and HCI research.

Prerequisites #

Require prerequisites:

  • Completed Bachelor’s Degree

Recommended prerequisites:

  • AXM-E7002 Introduction to Media Art and Culture (or equivalent knowledge of media art)
  • AXM-E7003 Interaction Design (or equivalent knowledge of interaction design)
  • AXM-E7001 Computational Art and Design (or equivalent knowledge of creative coding)
  • AXM-E7004 Physical Computing (or equivalent knowledge of electronics and physical computing)
It is possible to participate in the course without taking the classes above but you will then need to either dedicate some time for independently studying the knowledge and skills that you are missing or bring some other skills to the table within your group.

Spaces, Studios and Workshops #

  • We have multpiple spaces booked for the lectures (3448, 3430, 3430). Please check this site or MyCourses for each week to see where we are.
  • For the last four weeks of the course, room 3430 is booked for us for working. There will be some Desktop PCs with Touchdesigner installed, projectors, and other equipment for you to use.
  • The Media Lab Home Base room O102 is also equipped with a projector, two powerful computers with TouchDesigner installed, surround sound and other equipment. Use that room also for working independently.
  • Use vdi.aalto.fi to remotely access Aalto computers with TouchDesigner
  • Mechatronics (G014) and other workshops in Väre are available for you to use as long as you have done the required introductions or training.
  • Aalto Fab Lab is available for you to use.
  • Marsio Studios are available for you to use
  • We have also one Project Room in Marsio booked in Period IV

Tools & Technology #

Embodied Interaction is a very hands-on course (especially in Period IV). We are creating novel interfaces and embodied experiences that often require software and hardware design and development. The course introduces you to some specific tools but you are not required to use those specifically for your project. However, this is a list of some of the tools and technologies that we are going to use:

  • Touchdesigner | This will be our main software tool. It supports many input devices in a very robust way and allows for fast prototyping of your ideas. You can download a free version of TouchDesigner on your own computer or you can use educational licenses that we have at Aalto in many of the computer classrooms.
  • Stereolabs ZED 2i Camera |
  • MediaPipe |
  • Kinect Azure | This is a depth camera that allows you to detect movement of humans in a space. The Kinect Azure can also be used as an infrared camera for more traditional computer vision techniques.
  • Gesture Sensors | You will have access to various sensor that can be used to detect certain gestures.
  • VR/AR devices | For example, the Varjo XR-3 heasdset, Hololens 2, Oculus Quest etc.

You can also use any other development environments and tools (Processing, p5js, Arduino, Unity, Unreal Engine etc.).

Although there is no strict requirement for any specific tools or technology, your project should still actually work. It should exist as a real thing and not just as a concept. It might have some bugs, issues, and unfinished parts at the end of the course, but it should still be something that we can experience to some extent.

Deliverables & Evaluation #

Deliverables #

You have to do the following to complete this course:

  • Actively attend the classes, show up, don’t be late, participate, help others. (If the topic of a specific class is already familiar to you, use your time working on your project or in some other constructive way.)
  • Complete a final project. You can so this alone or as a small group (2-4 people).
  • Submit documentation for the final project. Instructions will follow later.

Evaluation #

This course is evaluated 0-5

  • 5: Excellent
  • 4: Very Good
  • 3: Good
  • 2: Satisfactory
  • 1: Poor
  • 0: Fail

You will be graded based on the following criteria

  • Active attendance to classes and discussions (25% of the grade).
    • Minimum 80% attendance (being sick or other emergency is a valid reason to not to be present)
    • Your attitude and activeness in class. Please note that this does not necessarily mean being very extroverted and loud. I also appreciate a more introspective and quiet way of working.
    • Participation in building and takedown of the exhibition.
  • The final project (50% of the grade). You will be evaluated based on:
    • Aesthetic quality of the work
    • Novelty and creativity of the concept
    • Critical approach to the topic
    • Command of the technology
    • Attention to detail
  • Documentation of the learning process and the final project (25% of the grade). You will evaluated based on:
    • Critical reflection on your own work
    • Quality of the audiovisual documentation
    • The amount of detail and depth in the documentation

Schedule | Spring 2025 #


Period III #

Week 1 | Introduction #

TIME MON 06/01 TUE 07/01 WED 08/01 THU 09/01 FRI 10/01
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕
15:15–17:00 No class, holiday

Week 2 | #

TIME MON 13/01 TUE 14/01 WED 15/01 THU 16/01 FRI 17/01
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕
15:15–17:00 Lecture

Week 3 | #

TIME MON 20/01 TUE 21/01 WED 22/01 THU 23/01 FRI 24/01
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕
15:15–17:00 Lecture

Week 4 | #

TIME MON 27/01 TUE 28/01 WED 29/02 THU 30/02 FRI 31/02
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕
15:15–17:00 Lecture

Week 5 | #

TIME MON 03/02 TUE 04/02 WED 05/02 THU 06/02 FRI 07/02
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕
15:15–17:00 Lecture

Week 6 | #

TIME MON 10/02 TUE 11/02 WED 12/02 THU 13/02 FRI 14/02
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕
15:15–17:00 Lecture


TIME MON 17/02 TUE 18/02 WED 19/02 THU 20/02 FRI 21/02
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕

Period IV #

Week 8 | TBA #

TIME MON 24/02 TUE 25/02 WED 26/03 THU 27/03 FRI 28/02
09:15–12:00 Theory + Hands-on lecture Theory + Hands-on lecture Experimentation
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕

Week 9 | TBA #

TIME MON 03/03 TUE 04/03 WED 05/03 THU 06/03 FRI 07/03
09:15–12:00 Theory + Hands-on lecture Theory + Hands-on lecture Experimentation
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕

Week 10 | Project Propsal Presentations + Project Work #

TIME MON 10/03 TUE 11/03 WED 12/03 THU 13/03 FRI 14/03
09:15–12:00 Project Proposal Presentations Project Work and Tutoring Project Work and Tutoring
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕

Week 11 | Project Work #

TIME MON 19/03 TUE 18/03 WED 19/03 THU 20/03 FRI 21/03
09:15–12:00 Project Work Project Work Project Work
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕

Week 12 | Project Work #

TIME MON 24/03 TUE 25/03 WED 26/03 THU 27/03 FRI 28/03
09:15–12:00 Project Work Project Work Project Work
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕

Week 13 | Project Work #

TIME MON 31/03 TUE 01/04 WED 02/04 THU 03/04 FRI 04/04
09:15–12:00 Project Work Project Work Project Work
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕


TIME MON 07/04 TUE 08/04 WED 09/04 THU 10/04 FRI 11/04
12:00–13:00 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕 🥗🍜🍱🍝🍕