Period V – Week 01

Period V – Week 01

Wed 24.04.2024 | Interactivity, Immersion, Investigations | Tools for Open Source Investigations: Geolocation, Machine Learning etc. #

Miro lecture slides

Example1 and try to figure out where it was taken.

Example2 and try to figure out where and when it was taken.

Thu 25.04.2024 | Independent Work #

  • Prepare for tomorrow, post your initial ideas and thoughts on Discord.

Fri 26.04.2024 | Present Your Initial Ideas #

  • Morning: Present the idea you have and we will discuss some ideas how to develop it futher.
  • Afternoon:
    • identifying the specific technical clinics and workshops that we should do during the course to help you realize your work.

Homework (Deadline May 9 May 14, 23:59) #

  1. Please develop your idea further, continue your research, explore
  2. Start preparing for a more defined concept and create a pretend grant application for your project based on the AVEK guidelines.